Extra-Curricular & Clubs
We believe that enriching extra-curricular activities can build young people’s aspirations, give them foundation and transferable skills, helps them make new friends and, of course, have some fun. It allows them to spend time with their friends and develop positive relationships with their teachers, but it also teaches those important life skills such as time management, social skills, responsibility and help to build confidence. Whilst school teaches essential knowledge, extra-curricular activities can teach life skills and have proven to have a positive influence on pupils. Colleges, universities and employers are increasingly looking for other qualities in applicants as well as their academic subjects – how they spend time outside of classes.
If you would like to find out more about extra-curricular activities’ on offer for your child please do not hesitate to contact Ms C. Young, Lead Professional – Pupil Progress (cyoung@lma.ascendlearningtrust.org.uk)
Clubs are held at lunchtime and after school – follow the links below for the timetables. Please encourage your child to participate in them.