Physical & Mental Health and Wellbeing

At Lawn Manor Academy we recognise the importance of equipping young people to manage their own physical and mental health and wellbeing independently. Extensive support is available through a graduated approach, offering a comprehensive universal offer, targeted intervention and support accessing external specialist input.

Consistent attendance is key to ensuring that pupils get all the information and support they need “It is important to recognise that attendance at school may serve to help with the underlying issue as much as being away from school might exacerbate it” (DfE, Feb 2023)

School staff receive ongoing training to ensure that they have basic First Aid skills alongside the experience and resources to teach our pupils about physical and mental health issues and how to maintain a healthy body and mind.

Details about a wide range of physical and mental health support across Swindon can be found at the Local Offer website.

The school recognises and promotes the positive support offered by a wide range of online support, including KOOTH, Young Minds, Place2be, Anna Freud, BBC Bitesize

Thinking of suicide? Are you or a young person you know not coping with life, for confidential suicide prevention advice go to HOPELINEUK247 from Papyrus who also have an extensive range of places to turn for help.

The Lawn Manor Universal offer

All pupils receive the following support:

  • ILEARN programme to support independence, resilience and attitude
  • Staff qualified in First Aid at work, all staff complete basic First Aid training (see posters for contact details / locations)
  • Pastoral support from the Student Support team
  • PSHE programme covering all statutory content including relationships and sex education (RSE) and health education
  • Teaching about the NHS 5 steps to mental wellbeing: Connect with people, Be physically active, Learn new skills, Give to others, Pay attention to the present moment (Mindfulness)
  • Pupils, parents (where applicable) and staff complete Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaires (SDQ) to assess and monitor mental health across the school community
  • Mental Health First Aiders (see posters for details)
    Suicide Intervention Team (see posters for details)
  • School nurse drop-ins
  • Input from external quest speakers including Project Me workers
  • Peer Mentors (under development)

Targeted support and intervention

Some pupils may benefit from additional support:

  • Early intervention including
  • Early Help Assessment
  • Targeted support from Student Support, including Safeguarding officers
  • Referrals to the school nurse for targeted advice and support
  • Targeted Special Education Needs (SEND) interventions to support Social Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) for stress, anxiety, self- confidence, self-esteem, exam stress etc…
  • Referral to Project Me (Education Mental Health Practitioner), this is part of the Swindon Single Point of Access (SPA) for mental health and can triage into TAMHS (Targeted Adolescent Mental Health Service) or CAMHS (Children and adolescent Mental Health Service)

Referrals to external agencies / services

A very small number of pupils may require specialist support:

In instances of long term or repeated absences for the same reason […] seeking medical evidence may be appropriate to assist assessing whether the child requires additional support to help them attend more regularly. (DfE, Feb 2023)

Support may include referrals to:

  • Referral to SPA (TAMHS / CAMHS)
  • Educational Psychology Service
  • School Attendance Support Team at the Local Authority / EWO
  • EOTAS (Education Other than at School)
  • Request for Education Health and Care Plan Assessment from SEND service at the Local Authorit