How do we report your child’s progress in school to you?
Years 7, 8 & 9
In Years 7, 8 and 9 you will receive three reports a year. They provide information on your child’s targets, the progress they are making in working towards their targets, and an effort level.
The targets are in the form of a number between 9 and 1 and reflect the new GCSE’s your child will take when they are in Year 11. If your child receives a target of a 6 in Year 7, that is an indication that your child should be aiming to work at a band 6 in Year 7, 8 and 9. As your child moves through Year 7, 8 and 9 the level of work required to work at band 6 become progressively harder. Your child’s report will indicate whether they are working above, at, towards, or below their target band for each subject.
Years 10
In Year 10 your child will receive a report three times a year. It will indicate your child’s GCSE target, the grade we currently project them to achieve if they continue to work as they are at that point, and an effort level.
Year 11
In Year 11 your child will receive a report twice this year in the run up to GCSEs. It will indicate your child’s GCSE target, the grade we currently project them to receive if they continue to work as they are at that point, and an effort level.
Meet the I LEARN Tutor Evening 1 and 2
In the past, if you were the parent of a child in Year 7 you would be invited into school to meet your child tutor in the first term of Year 7 to find out how your child is settling in and the early progress they are making. This is an excellent opportunity for us to work together with you in helping ensure your child has the best start possible at Lawn Manor Academy. We have now extended this invitation to all years on the same evening, starting in October for the first welcome evening, and now also with a follow up meeting later on in the year.
Parents’ Evenings
A Parents’ Evening is held every year for each year group where you will get an opportunity to meet all of your child’s teachers and to discuss the progress they are making.
Additional Parents Evenings are regularly scheduled for parents of Year 11 pupils as well.
We will be hosting a “Steps to Success” Evening in October 2022 to support parents and pupils with how to get to grips with revision at home. There will also be a similar information evening for Year 10s involved in exams this year too.
Please look out for invitations to these evenings which will appear in the Newsletter and via text message.