Cultural Values

Promoting our cultural values at Lawn Manor Academy

The Government have reinforced the need “to create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote the fundamental British values.”  It has set out its definition of British values, which can be summarised in the following ways:

  • Democracy
  • The rule of law
  • Individual liberty
  • Mutual respect
  • Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs


Lawn Manor Academy recognises the multi-cultural and multi-faith community that it serves. We understand that the school plays an important role in ensuring that groups and individuals within the school community can understand and apply these five important values. These principles form part of the school’s culture and ethos, and are reinforced on a daily basis via the ILEARN programme and also in a number of other ways:

Pupils have the opportunity to contribute to school life and decision making through Pupil Voice and an elected Head Boy & Girl.

Pupils are also regularly surveyed to understand their views, and pupil panels are included in the staff appointment process. The principle of democracy is also explored in the History & Personal Development curriculum, and the skills of discussion and debate are developed across the curriculum, as well as via the I LEARN and Assembly programmes.

The school follows national and global issues where possible, such as our recent Mock General Election in 2019.

The importance of laws, or rules, whether they be those that govern the class, the school, or the country, are consistently reinforced throughout regular school days, as well as when dealing with behaviour and through assemblies.

Pupils are taught the rules and expectations of the school, which are particularly highlighted in regular expectation assemblies. Where possible, pupils have been involved in the creation of school rules at regular intervals. Pupils are taught the value and reasons behind laws that govern and protect us, and we believe it is particularly important to explore all learning opportunities in the event of any laws or rules having been ‘broken’.

The school regularly host visits from outside agencies, e.g. The Police, to help reinforce the importance of this message.

We have a positive culture in our school where pupils are able to make choices in a safe, secure and supportive environment. We expect teachers to differentiate planning to allow pupils the opportunity to have a more personalised learning experience. The curriculum at KS4 enables all pupils to make guided choices regarding future academic pathways. We offer a range of activities designed to allow pupils the opportunity to take part in enrichment activities in which they have an interest, however this is something that we intend to develop further.

We support pupils in making safe choices in their life beyond the school, and this includes teaching pupils about the importance of E-Safety through assemblies and Personal Development Days, ICT/Computing lessons, and regularly hosting visits from outside agencies, e.g. the Police, to help reinforce the importance of this message. Our highly experienced Student Support Team and effective safeguarding arrangements further help pupils make safe choices. Lawn Manor Academy promotes an anti-bullying culture and pupils feel well supported should they have any concerns.

Pupils also benefit from an effective IAG programme and are encouraged to consider their choices for progression in education, employment or training at Post-16. An introduction of collapsed curriculum Personal Development days help pupils considers ideas in more detail.

Respect is one of Lawn Manor Academy core values and all members of the school community are expected to treat each other with respect.

Respect is integral in our school rules and is reinforced in day to day teaching, ILEARN activities, assemblies and behaviour management. All staff in the school promote and demonstrate respect for others and this is highlighted in the staff Code of Conduct. The school also uses Restorative approaches as a form of conflict resolution, which has mutual respect as a fundamental principle. The school promotes anti-bullying measures and pupils feel well supported.

The school has a culture of celebrating success in class, assemblies, newsletters, social media and via the House Point system. Achievement is celebrated across the school; in assemblies, using House Points, through postcards home, and through our website and newsletters.

Lawn Manor Academy believes that tolerance is built through enhancing pupils’ understanding of their place in a culturally diverse society and by giving them opportunities to experience such diversity in the school community and beyond.

The RSE and Personal Development curriculum provides a broad and balanced education on a range of faiths, religions and cultures. Assemblies and discussions involving prejudices and prejudice-based bullying have been led by senior staff. The school also offers opportunities for pupils to become knowledgeable about other faiths and beliefs through visits abroad.

Additionally, pupils are actively encouraged to share their faith and beliefs within the school and celebrate festivities throughout the calendar year, for example Year 7 enjoy our annual multi-cultural day with presentations on different aspects of religion and culture, including visits from faith leaders.

Lawn Manor will actively challenge members of the school community who express views to the contrary of the recognised British Values, including ‘extremist’ views. Lawn Manor Academy endeavours to ensure that all pupils  have a deep and balanced understanding and ability to demonstrate the five principles underpinning British Values so as to build a successful life within society.

Lawn Manor Academy is pleased to provide a Faith Room for pupils.  Swindon Youth For Christ lead a session for pupils to enjoy discussing news and issues that concern young people.  This takes place in 1W7 every Friday lunchtime.